It pays to be prepared for unexpected situations. If you ever find yourself waiting for roadside assistance, having an emergency car kit can help fix minor issues or help keep you calm. In this article, we'll look through some essentials for the ultimate car kit that could benefit everyone.
Jump leads
Our car battery is an important feature under the hood. It doesn't just power our radios but also is responsible for our lights, indicators, and internal electrics. If the battery goes flat, your car will, at best, run sluggishly, but, at worst, won't start at all.
Should this happen, keeping a set of jump leads in your car's emergency kit can be a game changer. All you need is another car's battery that you can connect the positive and negative nodes to, before starting your car and allowing your battery to recharge as the engine runs.
It's also helpful to identify where your battery is in your car, as research from Toolstation has found that 16% of 25 to 34-year-olds can't point it out. This will help speed up the process should you need to get it working again.
Ice Scraper
We're used to cold weather in the UK, but even still, there have been plenty of cold snaps that may have surprised motorists. In March 2023, record-breaking temperatures as low as minus 15 degrees Celsius were reported across the UK. And with cold weather comes snow and ice, meaning that visibility can be affected and your windscreen and windows can ...