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Top seven tips on how to fit your Christmas tree into your car

With that in mind, here are 7 top tips to help you safely transport your tree home:

1. Measure your car and the tree

This sounds simple but it can make or break the transportation effort, so make sure to have a tape measure handy to measure both the length and width of your car and tree. Another key thing to keep in mind is that you also have to fit in the car to drive home! So, ensure that there's enough room with the tree in the back for you to safely drive home.

2. Fold down the seats

This gives you extra room to fit an even bigger tree and causes less broken branches on the journey home. Without the seats being folded down you have a lot less wiggle room and will likely cause more damage to the tree, and possibly the car, than necessary.

3. Place down some covers if it's a real tree to avoid the mess

Real trees can make a mess with needles , dust and branches falling off, so putting down some covers in your car can save you from clearing up most of the mess. Heavy duty bin liners do the job perfectly or if not some old sheets or blankets would also work.

4. Make sure the tree is netted

Not only will this make the tree more compact and easier to fit into your car, but it will also protect th...

This is an excerpt from our full review.
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