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IAM Warns Drivers Over Transition To Paperless Driving Licences

As was the case with the abolition of the paper tax disc last October, the IAM fear many people are still confused or unaware of the implications of the scrapping of the paper counterpart of the driving licence brought about on Monday 8th June 2015.

The counterpart was introduced alongside the photo card driving licence in 1998 to include details that could not be included on the card itself, such as any endorsements and which category of vehicles you are entitled to drive.

However this information will now be stored electronically and not shown on any written documentation you have. These details can only be obtained via the DVLA driver record system, and be checked online or by writing to the agency post.

From the 8th June, the paper counterpart, or an old-style paper driving licence, cannot be relied upon to carry correct or-up-to-date information about endorsements or categories of vehicle that can be driven. The counterpart no longer carries any legal status, and the DVLA recommends you destroy it. You still need to keep your current photocard driving licence.

However, it's extremely important to note that paper driving licences issued before the photocard was introduced in 1998 will remain valid and should not be destroyed. From now on, if you need to update your name, address or renew your licence, you will be issued with a photocard only.

What is also changing is the procedure if you have to surrender your driving licence to a court in the event of an endorsement. The court will now take your photocard, and if you include the paper counterpart with your submission, the photocard will be returned to you but the pap...

This is an excerpt from our full review.
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