With over 2 million people having points on their licences for speeding last year, more drivers will be finding it difficult to get insured. According to the experts at insurance, drivers who have points on their licence as a result of speeding may have to pay up to £1,842 for insurance: The company has provided their top tips for keeping your car insurance costs down with a conviction: - Shop around - As car insurance can be considerably more for convicted drivers, it's important to shop around for the best quote. - Book an advanced driving course - If you have a conviction, some insurers may view you as less of a risk if you complete further training, so signing up for an advanced driver's course may help you obtain the best deal for car insurance. - Avoid car modifications - If you want cheaper car insurance and you currently obtain a conviction then consider staying away from modified vehicles as they can increase your car insurance price too. - Limit your annual miles - The fewer miles you cover, the less risk you could be to your insurer. - Increase your voluntary access - Your voluntary excess can be adjusted to anywhere between £0 and £1,000. The mandatory excess cannot be changed, however you can alter this voluntary amount. However, make sure you can afford this amount. - Change your car - A car with more safety features or less power is likely to cost less to insure. - Consider blackbox or telematics policy - Telematics, also referred to as "black boxes," may be a requirement for obtaining coverage from some insurers. Additionally, they may be less expensive than standard policies and provide discounts. - Build up your no-claims bonus - It might not be instant, but the longer you drive without a claim the cheaper your insurance becomes each year.
